Creating a proposal tailored to each client, including slides with your company's details and customized information for each client, such as their name, company name, industry, and current date
Update company data across presentations
You want efficient updates of default company values scattered throughout the presentation, such as your employee count, and how many clients you currently serve
Auto-update contact information
No need to create new contact information templates for each project. Use a single contact slide template in combination with placeholders to drive standardization
Effortless customize project kick-off templates
Using the same best-practice templates, while efficiently updating the client's name, the project code/references, roadmap deadlines, etc. in many different projects
Combine placeholders w. locked slides
Placeholders can be used in combination with locked slides to customize key content of sensitive slides
Say goodbye to legacy folder structures Modern data structure makes it easy to find what you are looking for and apply changes on multiple slides in one click